
The Dramatic Non-Stop In 2014

Non-Stop (2014)


Country / region: America / French

Types: action / suspense / Thriller

Grade: USA:PG-13

Language: English / German

Distribution firm: Universal Pictures

Director: bortezomib, Shyla

Starring: Liam Neeson Julian Moore Michel said

Types: action / suspense / Thriller

Release date: February 28, 2014 America

                The Introduction Of Non-Stop (2014):

    Liam Nissen plays a man named Bill Marcos (Bill Marks) veteran, was ordered to perform tasks on a flight of aircraft. During the period, he received a series of mysterious message, asking the government to a secret account transfer $150000000, otherwise it will be every 20 minutes to kill a passengers on flights, and two double showdown at forty thousand feet on intelligence and force.

